Home Page: Life Is In Jesus
... `I am the way, and the truth, and the life, no one doth come unto the Father, if not through me; (John 14:6 OOYLT)
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Food Articles
UPDATE 9/20/24: The article, Is the food you are eating God-made or man-made?, has gotten too long
and been divided into Part 1a and Part 1b. Also the continuation of this article is Part 2.
Some foreign translations of this article are still whole and out-of-date.
https://www.LifeIsInJesus.us/FoodArticles/GodMadeFoodPart1a.php (Is the food you are eating God-made or man-made? Part 1a; 2/25)
https://www.LifeIsInJesus.us/FoodArticles/GodMadeFoodPart1b.php (Is the food you are eating God-made or man-made? Part 1b: 2/25)
https://www.LifeIsInJesus.us/FoodArticles/GodMadeFoodPart2.php (Is the food you are eating God-made or man-made? Part 2; 2/25)
  foreign languages - Part 1 only: (no longer maintained)
https://www.LifeIsInJesus.us/FoodArticles/hindi/GodMadeFood_hindi.pdf (जो भोजन तुम खा रहे हो वह ईश्वर का बना है या मानव निर्मित है?; 10/23)
https://www.LifeIsInJesus.us/FoodArticles/korean/GodMadeFood_korean.pdf (지금 먹고 있는 음식은 신이 만든 음식인가요, 아니면 사람이 만든 음식인가요?; 3/24)
https://www.LifeIsInJesus.us/FoodArticles/spanish/GodMadeFoodPart1a_spanish.html (¿La comida que estás comiendo es hecha por Dios o hecha por el hombre? Parte 1a; 10/24)
https://www.LifeIsInJesus.us/FoodArticles/spanish/GodMadeFoodPart1b_spanish.html (¿La comida que estás comiendo es hecha por Dios o hecha por el hombre? Parte 1b; 10/24)
COVID Articles
https://www.LifeIsInJesus.us/COVIDArticles/Detox.php (Use the Bible to help Detox from mRNA COVID Vaccines; 11/23; updated 1/25)
  foreign languages: (no longer maintained)
https://www.LifeIsInJesus.us/COVIDArticles/hindi/Detox_hindi.pdf (एमआरएनए कोविड टीकों से डिटॉक्स में मदद करने के लिए बाइबल का उपयोग करें; 11/23)
https://www.LifeIsInJesus.us/COVIDArticles/korean/Detox_korean.pdf (메신저 리보핵산 코로나 바이러스 백신 해독에 도움이 되는 성경 활용하기; 4/24
https://www.LifeIsInJesus.us/COVIDArticles/spanish/Detox_spanish.html (Use la Biblia para ayudar a desintoxicarse de las vacunas COVID de ARNm; 11/23)
https://www.LifeIsInJesus.us/COVIDArticles/CoronavirusPriority.php (Priority against Coronavirus; 6/21; updated 5/22 + minor later updates)
  foreign languages: (no longer maintained)
https://www.LifeIsInJesus.us/COVIDArticles/chinese/CoronavirusPriority_chinese.pdf (優先對抗冠狀病毒; 5/22)
https://www.LifeIsInJesus.us/COVIDArticles/hindi/CoronavirusPriority_hindi.pdf (कोरोना वायरस के खिलाफ प्राथमिकता; 5/22)
https://www.LifeIsInJesus.us/COVIDArticles/korean/CoronavirusPriority_korean.pdf (코로나 바이러스에 대한 우선 순위; 5/22)
https://www.LifeIsInJesus.us/COVIDArticles/spanish/CoronavirusPriority_spanish.html (Prioridad contra el coronavirus; 5/22)
https://www.LifeIsInJesus.us/COVIDArticles/CoronavirusUpdates.php (Precautions against Coronavirus: updates and insights; semi-current)
https://www.LifeIsInJesus.us/COVIDArticles/CoronavirusArchives.php (Archives for Precautions against Coronavirus: updates and insights)
# old links from CoronavirusUpdates; warning: not well maintained - expect dead links
https://www.LifeIsInJesus.us/COVIDArticles/Coronavirus.php (Precautions against Coronavirus; 3/20; updated 3/21 + minor late updates)
Basic Articles
God wants us to have life to the full. He wants us to be whole naturaly and spiritually. It is important to eat correctly and take care of your body.
But much more important to have a living walk with Jesus. It is also important that to think eternally and strive to live 100% correct. Let the
next two articles sharpen your walk with Jesus.
https://www.LifeIsInJesus.us/BasicArticles/LifeIsInJesus.php (Life Is In Jesus; 12/14)
https://www.LifeIsInJesus.us/BasicArticles/Chances.php (Are You Taking Chances?; 9/16)
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