Jesus the good shepherd
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Life Is In Jesus
Many Christians are like zombies. They go through the motion, e.g., attend churches, attend bible
studies, and so on. And yet they fail to obtain abundant life in Jesus.
Jn 14:6 OOYLT
Jesus saith to him, `I am the way, and the truth, and the life, no one doth come unto the Father,
if not through me;
Many Christians know that Jesus is the way. They had experienced new life with Jesus. They know
that Jesus is the only way to salvation. Religion is about man trying to reach God. True biblical
Christianity is God reaching man by sending His Son to paid the price for our sins. We do not
need to work our way to heaven but merely receive the free gift of life through God's Son, Jesus.
If you never received Jesus, know that he is the only way to heaven. Know that God is holy, we are
sinners, and that we can have the free gift of life by acknowledging Jesus took our sins upon
himself at Calvary and was crucified for us.
Many Christians know that Jesus is the truth. Jesus was the Word in John 1:1. Christians need to
read the bible daily and let God's Word transforms their minds (Roman 12:2). If you are not reading
the bible daily, I encourage you to set aside daily devotion times for bible readings and prayers.
Many Christians have yet to experience the fullness of life in Jesus. They have not experienced
abundant joy that is in Jesus. They may had experience new birth in Jesus, but that is only the
Rev 3:20 OOYLT
lo, I have stood at the door, and I knock; if any one may hear my voice, and may open the door, I
will come in unto him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
This verse was written to the body of Christ. It was an exhortation for Christians to have a deep
relationship with Jesus. It was an exhortation for Christians to have a heart, not biblical,
knowledge of Jesus. It was an exhortation for Christians to have a living walk with Jesus. As they
do so, they will experience the life of Jesus flowing in abundant joy.
Some suggested reading materials are
Bible Study on Joy: 7 Things You Need To Know
What the Bible Says About Joy
"The Joy of the Lord Is Your Strength"
Most people live a "roller-coaster" life. In an amusement park, you spend a long time waiting for
a few minutes ride. In the real world, they spend so much of their lives trying to succeed in a
certain area, e.g., be a top tennis player, be a top dancer, be a CEO, be a top scientist and so
on. When they get recognized, it is for a moment time, then they are back to square one. When
they get to the top, they find life is not there.
Life is not found in sports - life is not found in entertainments - life is not found in money -
life is not found in tv - and so on - all these are temporary pleasures. True life is in Jesus and
Jesus only. As you spend precious time with Jesus, you will find joy in the Lord.
Mt 18:1-3 OOYLT
At that hour came the disciples near to Jesus, saying, `Who, now, is greater in the reign of the
heavens?' And Jesus having called near a child, did set him in the midst of them, and said, `Verily
I say to you, if ye may not be turned and become as the children, ye may not enter into the reign
of the heavens;
Parents, especially those with young children, know the best times are when their children come to
them for whom they are. The children come to be with their parents with no string attached. They
do not come asking "I want ice cream", "I want to go an amusement park", "I want money for a movie",
etc. It is during those times when parents share their hearts whether it is their loves, their
plans, their dreams, and more.
In the same way, Christians are exhorted to visit their Heavenly Father just to be with Him. They
are to come with no string attached. They are not to come saying "I need money", "I need a job",
"Bring salvation to my friends/families", etc. It is during those times, Heavenly Father shares His
Heart whether it is His Love, His Wisdom, His Revelation, and much more. It is during those times,
Christians experience His Joy in profound ways.
Spend precious times with Jesus - much more than a daily devotion period. Spend a few hours a day
with Jesus in praise, bible reading, and prayer. Repent of any sins that hinder you from being
with Jesus. Be with Jesus despite all your problems and pains for lengthy periods. Ask the Holy
Spirit to fill you with unspeakable joy. Cultivate a deep hunger for Jesus.
Neh 8:10b KJV
... for the joy of the LORD is your strength.
It is the joy of the Lord that gives you supernatural strength to overcome all trials, calamities,
and other difficulties. In the midst of dark days that overshadow you, let the light of Christ
shine brightly in you.
Wars, calamities, and persecution are coming. They are already happening in increasing ways all
over the world. When they do come, know that the joy of the Lord will give you the supernatural
strength to endure all the trials these dark days present.
Suggested Readings
Chances.php (Are You Taking Chances?; 9/16)
Written 12/14. Minor modification on 9/4/24
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